Saturday, February 9, 2008

Lana Banana has left the building.

and is on her way to her new home. Vicki and her daughter just pulled out with the evil one. Poor Little Lana did look a little worried but I'm sure that once she gets home and gets to play with Ranger, she will have forgotten all about us. But we won't ever forget about her.

I think I have said it before. I don't "do" puppies. Lana ran till she dropped every single day. She explored, rearranged, relocated and destoyed. But now she is on her way to the new adventure that life has presented her. And I can feel the stress of puppysitting leaving my body. But there is this little part of me that already misses her. Lana, my girl, be good, show that big brother of yours who is boss, and show your new owners how truely wonderful you are.
You've come a long way baby. Never again will you have to worry about someone putting you in a rubber tote and leaving you by the river.

1 comment:

littledevils said...

Congrats on your first official adoption!!!