Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Why puppies will help you keep your house clean

Yup, its true!
I have always thought that I was pretty good about picking up stuff, but clearly I was wrong.
Miss Lana Banana finds everything. And if I'm lucky, she brings it to me. If not, she eats it.

Usually the weekends are dedicated to cleaning this house. But with the little evil one here, I am vaccuming at least twice a day. There are leaves from the back yard that need to come in, trash cans that need to be emptied, toys that need to be hidden. Floors now need to be washed everyday cause, the little devil brings in snow from outside.
And she loves being out in the snow. She scratches at the door quite often and because I want her to know that that is where she goes to do the "business" I always open it for her.

Lana is also very good at helping do the laundry. Sorting it is her job. Moving clothes from pile to pile or even making piles or for that matter, taking the laundry to another floor completely is her doing. And when transferring clothes from the dryer into the hamper, well, she's pretty darn good at that too.

Me, I go from loving this little one to being so tired of chasing her that I could crawl in a hole. She is far too smart for her own good. Last night as I told her to get off the couch, she put her front paws on the floor, left her back ones up on the couch and tried to sleep that way. She really is a comedian.

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