Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Someday it just doesn’t pay

To come home from holidays
We pulled in Sat night at around 9:30. It was a long trip home and I was tired and certainly wasn’t going to check the rescue email until morning. Sometimes you just need to take a break.
But I always check the home voice mail and that’s when I heard the message about the young Rottweiler that had been shot in the head in Chilliwack. My heart sunk. I knew we had to help this boy but dam it I had no space and no place to put him. But, sometimes you just have to work a little harder to get things together.
I called Trina right away and found out that this dog had been shot with buckshot, had already had some surgery but needed more and then he needed a place to go. Bolt as he was called, had been on the run long enough for the flesh around his wounds to start to rot away. His care would be expensive and the recovery would take time and a shelter was not the place for any of that to happen. I rarely send out group emails cause, well, they seldom work, but I had no other ideas late on a Sat night. So I sent out the plea for help.
Jim and I slept little that night, thinking about this poor dog. He must be afraid and in pain. Would he be the kind of dog that would never trust again? I had no idea about any of it. I hadn’t seen him yet, nor had he been assessed nor had I been able to talk to the vet caring for him. All of this was a worry, but the most worrisome of all was where could we put him?
Late Sunday afternoon, I got the call that every rescue prays for. The perfect foster home had stepped forward and offered to help. They had medical training, had owned Rottweilers and understood how afraid Bolt might be. Monday morning I was on the phone to the vet asking for information. Bolt could leave the vets office Monday evening.
I didn’t get to meet Bolt until Tues night. By then he settled in to the home and was learning about playing with other dogs. He was also learning about homes, and stairs, and love. Perhaps for the first time. I tried to do some of the usual assessment stuff but it’s hard to assess a dog when all it wants to do is give you kisses. J So we do know that Bolt is about 1 yr old and still has some growing to do. He has the most beautiful coat, both a deep dark black and a warm mahogany color. Bolt still has a full tail that wags and wags and wags. He is pretty quick to learn but will need further socialization with other dogs so that he can be taught what correct play is all about. He will need someone that is able to provide him with leadership and love, someone that will ensure that Bolt gets the training that he needs, someone that will continue to teach Bolt that not all humans are out to kill you.
To the person that used to own Bolt, shame on you. This is a wonderful young boy with a ton of potential that only needs a chance to prove himself. And to the person that shot Bolt (who knows if it’s the same person or not), shame on you. You let this boy run away and live in pain. But to all those that have helped Bolt, Thank You. We will make sure that no one ever hurts this dog again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My, What a beautiful boy...and how lucky to have founds such a perfect recovery home for him... i can't wait to hear more about Bolt and with a face like that, i bet they'll be knocking down the proverbial doggie door to adopt him...