Thursday, June 19, 2008

Things going on with West Coast Rottweiler Rescue

First and most important (to us anyways) is that Louie is gone on a foster to adopt contract. Quite a lot depends on if he can win over the heart of the old dog on the property. When Sam and Louie met, Sam barked and growled at Louie while Louie just tried to lick his face. Personally I think Sam was just trying to ensure that Louie was aware of who was in charge. Be good Louie and get Sam to settle down.
We have been run off our feet lately with requests to take dogs in, requests for dogs, fundraisers, and information booths. As is usual, there isn’t enough time to get it all done. With Louie gone, I have to make a decision on which dog to bring in. And this part of rescue just sucks. Because when I say no to a dog, quite often that means the end for that animal. Not because they are bad dogs, but because they just aren’t doing well in the shelter. We so need foster homes. Without them, I have to say no far more often than I can say yes. WCRR will supply everything you need if you can supply a safe temporary home for a dog in need. It may be a puppy or youngster that ends up in a shelter because no one bothered to do any training, or it could be an older dog, one that someone just threw away because it wasn’t a puppy anymore. Sometimes the dogs are with you for only a couple of weeks, other times they may be there for a couple of months. We can never really tell and we always want to wait for the perfect home.
I am in the mist of making liver brownies again. One of our fundraisers is a raffle, and one of the prizes is liver brownies. Man oh man doe these things smell. But the dogs will do just about anything for them. If your interested in entering the raffle, please go to our website and check it out. Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. All payments can be made either in cash or by paypal.

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