Tuesday, December 14, 2010

We had such a fun time

I wish I knew how to post a bunch of pictures here but I don't'. Our first pub night was held at Boston Pizza in Cloverdale. If your looking for a place to hold a small pub night, they were great. We could only seat about 75 people and even then it was full. We took over the patio, and had the whole length of the bar for silent auction items. We raised quite a bit of money and I need to thank everyone that came. You were all so generous and you made the night very special for me.
While I may be the person that the shelters talk to, the person that does most of the vetting and alot of the day to day stuff, I am only one person in WCRR. There are 7 board members. All of them are invaluable in their own way. We all worked so very hard in gathering stuff for the pub night. . Sharon did an amazing job and allowed us to store stuff in her garage. hell we literally took it over for almost 2 months. But one person really shined thru this. And that was Deb our treasurer. Every single basket was her handiwork. She nagged me to no end about making lists and checking them twice. She went out and bought ribbon and baskets, paper and boxes, labels and god only knows what. I kept telling her to keep track of the money but she always just shrugged her shoulders and said she loved doing this stuff. Everything was pretty and well presented. I/We could not have done it without you girl. Thank you.
So, to all those that said it was well run and organized. It had nothing to do with me. I only do the fur stuff.
Clyde has been motoring along quite well this week. He is getting very bold about counter surfing and I finally found out how he does it. He can't stand on those back legs, but he tries. As he gets his front paws up on the counter he has a few seconds to grab whatever he is after before he sinks down into almost a "sit pretty" position. and from there I think he just falls over. I'm not sure cause when I saw him stealing off the counter I yelled . So does he fall over because he can't hold the postion or because I scared him. Either way it made me laugh. For an old dying crippled dog he does pretty darn good some days.

1 comment:

hornblower said...

I can help you with the photos. When you're composing your post on blogger, there's a little icon that looks like a photo near the top (between the post title & where you type the text). Click on that & a window will open. Then you just follow those instructions to select a picture from your computer's folders. It's really easy once you get started!

Here as some more instructions, including screen shots:

We wanna see pix! :-)
