Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What the hell is it about old dogs

Almost every big old dog we have had come into our home refuses to walk in the rain. All of them do it. Stop at the door and refuse to walk outside. Today was by far the worst. Clyde is learning to walk with a halti. I am insisting that he do it cause he has almost pulled me into the street a couple of times. Clyde hates the halti. He is sure it is a devil device that is killing him. So this morning not only do I have to drag 110 lbs of dog out the door, he is also on the end of the leash doing the crocodile roll. To the idiot that thought he should honk his horn and shake his finger at me this morning, BUGGER OFF. I was not killing him, I am not abusing the poor old thing, we are simply out for our morning walk.
It amazes me how quickly our dogs become spoiled. Less then 2 months ago, Clyde was a homeless dog tied to a post. Now, I not only can't get the old fart to walk in the rain, but he is getting really spoiled with food.
I made the mistake of feeling sorry for him. I don't know when I will learn that this is never a good idea. I get sucked in all the time. Clyde wasn't feeling well when he came into care and in an effort to get him to eat enough for us to give him pain meds, I started supplementing his food with really yummy stuff. Stuff like canned pheasant, rabbit and salmon. Not only was I giving him this, I was warming it up for him. Like I said, I get sucked in.
One morning I am running late for work (and I need to work to pay for the freaking dog food) and I didn't add the warm water to the pheasant before I poured it on his kibble. How simple awful of me. Cause this old homeless stray dog ran to his food dish, took a big bite out of it, whipped his head around, looked directly at me, and spit his food out. The horrified look on his face spoke volumes How dare I feed him cold pheasant for breakfast. I knew in that moment that I had lost all chance of maintaining any illusion on my part that I am the leader in my house.
I'm sure Cesar Milan and Brad Patterson would be so disappointed in me. LOL