Friday, November 21, 2008

Bear Updated:

What a funny boy he has become. Nothing like I had expected.
We have slowly changed his food to raw and while he isn’t thrilled with it yet, he now does have a very healthy appetite. He is even eating hard treats now, something that he had refused up until now.
Sashka and Bear have now figured out what is appropriate and what isn’t. Sashka can now make it across the room without Bear thinking he should mount her. LOL they aren’t playing together but Sashka isn’t a big fan of play. I have found her giving his old muzzle a lick or him nudging her with that huge head of his. Both these actions make me smile.
Bear’s favorite thing in the whole wide world is his toys. He does get rather upset when you put them away even thought the “toy box” is on the floor and he can get to them anytime. He would rather have them where he left them, either by one of his favorite sleeping places or on his bed. The problem is that all his favorite sleeping places are right in everyone’s path. Bear also has some very annoying habits. One of them is that when he wants to go to bed, I must go with him.
Ours is a small home and the 2 rooms upstairs are quite close together. This isn’t good enough for Mr. Bear. He would prefer that I not work on the computer at night, but rather go to bed about 7:30 pm. While I am growing to love this boy more and more, I’m not that old that I have to call it a night that early. Last night was a good example. At 7:30 pm I went upstairs to get some much needed work done on the computer. For about 5 minutes everything was fine. Bear seemed comfortable enough on the carpet. But then he started to pace. And whine. And pace more. We have been going thru this for a couple of days so I knew what was next. As I’m sitting at the computer with the mouse in my hand, this huge drooly head starts nudging me. Go away I tell him. Nope, Nudge, nudge, nudge. Enough I thought. I’m just putting you to bed and you can figure it out yourself. So I take him down a VERY short hallway to his bed in the master bedroom, get him to lie down, give him a short cuddle and its back to the computer room and my work. 2 minutes later, there he is. Nudge, nudge, nudge. NOOOOOOOOOOO I tell him, go away. This is not working well and I need to get stuff done. So back to the bedroom with him and then I close the door to the computer room, thinking that he will just have to settle down.
Roflmao. Nope, that’s not going to happen. The howling starts…… it’s loud and long and soulful. Lights in the complex start coming on, people on the street are looking at our house, other dogs in the neighborhood are joining in. I give up. Bear wins again. I go to bed at 8:15 pm. Thank god there is a TV in our bedroom.

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